I have data stored in S3 in form of parquet files with partitions. I am trying to read this data using presto. I am able to read data if I give the complete location of parquet file with partition. Below is the query to read data from "section a":
presto> create table IF NOT EXISTS default.sample(name varchar(255), age varchar(255), section varchar(255)) WITH (external_location = 's3://bucket/presto/section=a', format = 'PARQUET');
But my data is partitioned with different sections i.e. s3://bucket/presto folder contains multiple folders like "section=a", "section=b", etc.
I am trying to read the data with partitions as follows:
presto> create table IF NOT EXISTS default.sample(name varchar(255), age varchar(255), section varchar(255)) WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY['section'], external_location = 's3://bucket/presto', format = 'PARQUET');
The table is being created but when I try to select the data the table is empty.
I am new to Presto, please help.