I have created a class called 'element' that has several attributes and type-bound procedures. One of the attributes is an abstract class type 'kin' that has two inherited type 'kin1' and 'kin2'. I would like to be able to assign 'kin1' or 'kin2' as a attribute to the object 'element' at run time using the constructor depending on the inputs. The objective is to have a list of elements, each one with element%kin being either 'kin1' type or 'kin2' type.
Module element
module element
use kin
implicit none
type,public :: element_type
class(kin_type),allocatable :: kin
procedure,pass(this), private :: set_kin
procedure,pass(this), public :: get_kin
end type element_type
interface element_type
module procedure element_type_constructor
end interface element_type
type (element_type) function element_type_constructor(kin)
implicit none
class(kin_type),allocatable, intent (in) :: kin
call element_type_constructor%set_kin(kin)
end function element_type_constructor
! my try of set_kin
subroutine set_kin(this,kin)
implicit none
class(element_type), intent(inout) :: this
class(kin_type),allocatable, intent(in) :: kin
this%kin = kin
end subroutine
end module element
Module kin
module kin implicit none private
type,abstract :: kin_type
end type kin_type
type,public, extends(kin_type) :: kin1_type
integer :: data1
procedure,pass(this),private :: set_data1
procedure,pass(this),public :: get_data1
procedure,pass(this),public :: print =>print_kin1
end type kin1_type
type,public, extends(kin1_type) :: kin2_type
real :: data2
procedure,pass(this),private :: set_data2
procedure,pass(this),public :: get_data2
procedure,pass(this),public :: print =>print_kin2
end type kin2_type
! constructor interface kin1_type
interface kin1_type
module procedure kin1_type_constructor
end interface kin1_type
! constructor interface kin2_type
interface kin2_type
module procedure kin2_type_constructor
end interface kin2_type
! constructor kin1_type
type (kin1_type) function kin1_type_constructor(data1)
implicit none
integer, intent (in) :: data1
class(kin1_type), intent (in) :: kin
call kin1_type_constructor%set_data1(data1)
end function kin1_type_constructor
! constructor kin2_type
type (kin2_type) function kin1_type_constructor(data1,data2)
implicit none
integer, intent (in) :: data1
real, intent (in) :: data2
class(kin2_type), intent (in) :: kin
call kin2_type_constructor%set_data1(data1)
call kin2_type_constructor%set_data2(data2)
end function kin2_type_constructor
! Example of set subroutine
subroutine set_data1(this,data1)
class(kin1_type),intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: data1
this%data1 = data1
end subroutine set_data1
! other procedures...
end module kin
program test
use element
use kin
implicit none
type(element_type) :: thisElement
type(kin1_type) :: thisKin1
! constructor for thisKin1
thisKin1 = kin1_constructor(data1 = 1)
! constructor for thisElement
thisElement = element_type_constructor(kin = thisKin1)
! Check kin structure and values
call thisElement%kin%print
end program
I receive the following error during the run of the element_type_constructor subroutine: Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.