I tried to look for a duplicate question and I know many people have asked about parLapply in R so I apologize if I missed one that is applicable to my situation.
Problem: I have the following function that runs correctly in R but when I try to run it in parallel using parLapply (I'm on a windows machine) I get the error that $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
. The error mentions that 3 nodes produced the errors no matter how many nodes I set my cluster at, for example I have 8 cores on my desktop so I set the cluster to 7 nodes.
Here is example code showing where the problem is:
perms <- function(inputs)
x <- 0
L <- 2^length(inputs$w)
ip <- inputs$ip
for( i in 1:L)
y <- ip$getnext()%*%inputs$w
if (inputs$t >= y)
x <- x + 1
#Inputs is a list of several other variables that are created before this
#function runs (w, t_obs and iperm), here is a reproducible example of them
#W is derived from my data, this is just an easy way to make a reproducible example
m <- 15
W <- matrix(runif(15,0,1))
iperm <- arrangements::ipermutations(0:1, m, replace = T)
t_obs <- 5
inputs <- list(W,t_obs, iperm)
names(inputs) <- c("w", "t", "ip")
#If I run the function not in parallel
#It gives a value of 27322 for this example data
This runs exactly as it should, however when I try the following to run in parallel I get an error
#make the cluster
cor <- detectCores()
#passing library and arguments
clusterExport(cl, c("inputs"))
clusterEvalQ(cl, {
results <- parLapply(cl, inputs, perms)
I get the error:
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
3 nodes produced errors; first error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
However I've checked to see if anything is an atomic vector using is.atomic()
, and using is.recursive(inputs)
it says this is TRUE
My question is why am I getting this error when I try to run this using parLapply
when the function otherwise runs correctly and is there a reason is says "3 nodes produced errors" even when I have 7 nodes?
used inipermutations
. – r2evans