I have constructed a distance matrix from phylogenetic data using the Claddis function MorphDistMatrix() with the distance metric "MORD" (Maximum Observable Rescaled Distance). I now want to use this dissimilarity matrix to run an NMDS using the vegan function metaMDS(). However, although metaMDS has many distance metrics to choose from, "MORD" is not one of them. How do I enable metaMDS() to have this metric as an option?
Edit: here is some example code:
Reading in Nexus file
dist<- MorphDistMatrix(nexus.data, distance = "MORD")
Claddis command for creating distance matrix. Instead of using the Gower dissimilarity (distance = "GC"), I would like to use Maximum Observable Rescaled Distance (distance = "MORD"), which is a modified form of Gower for use with ordered characters (Lloyd 2016). So far so good.
nmds<-metaMDS(dist$DistanceMatrix, k=2, trymax=1000, distance = "GC")
Here is where I run into trouble: as I understand it, the distance used for the metaMDS command should be the same as was used to construct the distance matrix, but MORD is not an option for "distance" in metaMDS. If I were to construct the distance matrix under Gower dissimilarity it wouldn't be a problem, as that is also available in metaMDS
Lloyd, G. T., 2016. Estimating morphological diversity and tempo with discrete character-taxon matrices: implementation, challenges, progress, and future directions. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 118, 131-151.