
I need to execute a CRM 2011 workflow from .Net. I have looked at the CRM 2011 SDK example which uses the ExecuteWorkflowRequest message. The example works which is a good start, but the sample also creates the CRM Workflow item that it then executes.

I am trying to execute a workflow item that already exists. But I keep on getting a error "Workflow must be in Published state." even though I have Activiated the workflow.

I have tried executed the same workflow item it with the CRM 4.0 SDK and it executes fine. But I can't use this SDK with the way the system works as I need to execute a workflow item form a custom code workflow activity.

Thanks in advance


3 Answers


For each workflow created there are two workflow entities stored in CRM 2011 database. The workflow entity has an attribute titled 'Type'. Type == 1 is published. Type == 2 is draft. When you query for the workflow, be sure to specify the Type value in your where clause.

var workflow = context.CreateQuery("workflow").FirstOrDefault(w =>
w.GetAttributeValue<int>("type") == 1 &&
w.GetAttributeValue<string>("name") == workflowName &&
w.GetAttributeValue<bool>("ondemand") == true &&
w.GetAttributeValue<string>("primaryentity") == targetEntityName);

Refer to the CRM 2011 SDK sample code for examples how to connect to the Organization service.


Without have created any Workflows, if you are getting an error that says "Workflow must be in Published state", then have you tried to 'publish all customizations' to see if that helps?

To do this, click 'Settings->Solutions->Publish all Customizations'.


For my case, my workflow was saved as Process Template.Changing it to Process should solve the problem.

enter image description here