I'm using React-navigation V3. How can I navigate from MenuDrawer in contentComponent to a Login screen in the Swith Navigator??
This is my switch Navigator (my login).
const AppContainer = createAppContainer(createSwitchNavigator(
ActProgramadas: MainDrawer,
initialRouteName: 'VerifyActiveUser',
export default class StackNavigator extends Component{
return <AppContainer
This is my Drawer Stack (MainDrawer). MenuDrawer is my custom drawer, from there i want to go to Login Screen (From Switch Navigator) with a "go out" Button to end my user session but i don't know how to send navigations props to contentComponent of my drawer:
const DrawerConfig ={
drawerWidth: WIDTH * 0.86,
contentComponent: ({navigation}) => {
return (<MenuDrawer navigation = { navigation } />);
contentOptions: {
activeTintColor: 'blue',
activeBackgroundColor: 'green'
initialRouteName: 'ActProgramadas',
unmountInactiveRoutes: true,
edgeWidth: WIDTH * 0.80,
backBehavior: false
const MyDrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator({
ActProgramadas: { screen: StackNavigator },
ActRealizadas: { screen: StackActReal },
ObsTecnicas: { screen: StackObs },
ObsPendientes: { screen: StackObsPend },
ObsRealizadas: { screen: StackObsReal },
}, DrawerConfig);
const AppContainer = createAppContainer(MyDrawerNavigator)
export default class DrawerNavigator extends Component{
return <AppContainer />;
Can I use redux to send the navigation.navigate('Login') prop from the swith to my custom drawer??