
I have a private Jenkins running on an internal private network not visible from the internet. I have also a public Jenkins instance, visible from the internet and accessible only over HTTPS.

How can I publish completed builds of a scripted pipeline job from private instance to the public one (including artifacts, logs, test results and so on)?

I know there's a Build Publisher Plugin for Jenkins, but I could not figure out how to use it from scripted pipeline.

EDIT: Build Publisher Plugin cannot be used from pipeline jobs without modifications. Is there any other way to achieve the same?


1 Answers


As stated here, you can only call plugins that have been made compatible with pipelines, which is the use of a newer API.

And since that build-publisher plugin is not listed in the [jenkinsci/pipeline-plugin COMPATIBILITY3 list, you would need to fork jenkinsci/build-publisher-plugin, and make it compatible with the new pipeline interface.