I am trying to filter my primefaces datatable by a boolean column using a checkbox filter but unfortunately filtering in primefaces datatable seems it does not work with any type other than String
, but there should be a workaround for this case.
datatable column
<p:column headerText="A_boolean_column" filterBy="#{myBean.myBoolean}" filterMatchMode="exact">
<f:facet name="filter">
<p:selectCheckboxMenu label="BooleanFilter" onchange="PF('mydatatable').filter()" styleClass="custom-filter">
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.possibleAnswers}" />
<p:ajax update="@form" oncomplete="PF('mydatatable').filter();"/>
<h:outputText value="#{myBean.myBoolean}"/>
where possibleAnswers variable is a list that has been initialized on init
method of myBean
with true
&& false
public void init(){
this.possibleAnswers= new ArrayList<>();
I have similar working examples in my datatable with text values and are working perfectly. Of course I could do a workaround to fix my issue by converting the values from boolean
( true / false) into String
("true" / "false") ( or even write a custom function to check for equality)but I don't really like this solution and I would prefer any other out of the box solution ( perhaps a different filterMatchMode
? ).
I am using primefaces 7.0
twice? Both in the onchance and the ajax on click? – Kukeltjefilter()
in both places, would it possibly cause any side-effect? – NickAth