
I used area range Highcharts but facing certain issues as:

  • For X-axis, the chart doesn't start with an initial point rather shows incorrect start tick value(i.e. 2020) instead of 2019.
  • Need to show label values for last data point only for each series, attached image below for reference areaRange

Could someone please help me with what do I do to resolve my issues.

Thanks in advance!

For the 1st issue, I tried changing the 'pointStart' attribute value for plotOptions->series but didn't work.

"plotOptions": {
        "series": {
            "pointStart": 1546300800000

Here is JSFiddle link of the chart containing code:


1 Answers


The first issue can be resolved by setting xAxsi.tickInterval = plotOptions.series.pointInterval:

  xAxis: {
    type: "datetime",
    tickInterval: 31536000000

The second issue can be resolved by providing labels formatter callback function that will return only the last series point value. Also, other dataLabels properties have to be set properly (like align, overflow, etc). Check demo and code posted below.


dataLabels: {
  enabled: true,
  align: 'left',
  verticalAlign: 'middle',
  padding: 8,
  allowOverlap: true,
  overflow: 'allow',
  crop: false,
  formatter: function() {
    var point = this.point,
      series = this.series;

    if (series.data.length === point.index + 1) {
      return '$' + this.y.toFixed(1);
    } else {
      return '';


API reference: