Because a Service Connection involves data shaped specifically to the connected service (the Generic Service Connection being the exception that proves the rule...), you won't be able to make use of strongly typed properties in your Bash task. Instead, you may want to examine environment variables and process the service connection data manually.
Based on a survey of some of the tasks in the Azure DevOps repos, it appears that service connections and their data are populated as environment variables on the agent running the build task. The service connections are retrieved via a method that runs a given name
string through the following regex before retrieving the resultant environment key's value:
process.env[name.replace(/\./g, '_').toUpperCase()];
The retrieval of various Service Endpoint data is wrapped in the vsts-task-lib/task module, allowing consuming tasks to write code like so:
taskLib.getEndpointAuthorization('SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION', false);
taskLib.getEndpointDataParameter('MYSERVICECONNECTION', 'SOME_PARAMETER_NAME', false);
taskLib.getEndpointUrl('MYSERVICECONNECTION', false) // <-- last param indicates required or not
Therefore, if you wanted to access service connections in a bash script without any additional customization, I would recommend that you:
a) Validate the availability of service connection information in the build script task by iterating and writing environment variables, setting the system.debug
environment variable. There's some indication that build tasks aren't "seeded" with connections they aren't requesting specifically, so you may need to create a custom build task which has as one of its' inputs the service connection name you want to use
b) read the desired values from variables as outlined above in your bash script. Service connection variable names may be computed similarly to this:
var dataParam = getVariable('ENDPOINT_DATA_' + id + '_' + key.toUpperCase());
You may need to iterate against this to determine the data schema/structure.