
there is probably a fairly straight forward answer out there but I can not seem to find a solution online.

I have a table marked up like this (column names are in bold)

audit date | blindness

10/17/2001 | red

10/17/2002 | green

10/17/2003 | yellow

10/17/2004 | unknown

10/17/2005 | red

I would simply like to make a line graph in excel, where the audit date values are the X-axis categories, and the blindness values are the Y-axis categories.

I have tried so many little tutorial's online but my graph never comes out looking correctly. I can not get the axis the way I'd like.

PS - I am using Excel 2003

maybe show the code you are using? If you are not doing this programmatically, then you are in the wrong place. Try superuser.com.Cheeso
Ahh good call. Only using code to export to excel, then I thought there would be an easy way for my boss to highlight, then make the graph. Could you or someone transfer my question to superuser?clamchoda

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