My Question is around transaction management using nestjs and Typeorm, my db is postgres.
Should I use decorators like @Transaction and @TransactionManager while doing transaction management. I heard that they are going to be removed in new releases.
As a best practise how do we handle a transaction that is inserting or updating multiple tables. I see the following question nestjs / TypeOrm database transaction Is this the right away, can somebody give me a full example. Should I inject connection to my service class and get EntityManager from it and pass it around?
What would be the right way for unit testing such an insert on two tables.
I am right now using Transaction decorators from TypeOrm. All my create code is in a single class, I want to be able to move the code for creation of every entity to be moved to the entity's own service class and expect the transaction rollback still works.
@Transaction({ isolation: "SERIALIZABLE" })
async createProfile(createProfileDTO: CreateProfileDTO, @TransactionManager() manager?: EntityManager){
const profileRepository = manager.getRepository(Profile);
let savedProfile = await<Profile>(profile);
identifier.profile = savedProfile;
const identifierRepository = manager.getRepository(Identifier);
let savedIdentifier =;
Alternatively, if I use
await this.connection.transaction(async transactionalEntityManager => {
profile = await this.createUserProfile(createProfileDTO, transactionalEntityManager);
identifiers = await this.identifierService.createIdentifier(profile, createProfileDTO
, transactionalEntityManager);
What is the best way to unit test the above code?