I have multiple VMs already in the same VNET. When I create a new VM trying to use that same VNET I get an error. I do not want to delete existing subnets (4) already in the vnet. All I want to do is add a new vm to the already existing vnet with a new subnet attached to it. I have seen similar posts but none show how to deal with multiple existing subnets.
This is the error
Subnet Foo2Subnet is in use by /subscriptions/<subid>/resourceGroups/foo-westus2/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/Foo2VMNic/ipConfigurations/Foo2
cannot be deleted. In order to delete the subnet, delete all the resources within the subnet. See aka.ms/deletesubnet.
here is how I am creating a new vm.
'az vm create ' \
'--resource-group {resourceGroupName} ' \
'--name "{serverName}" ' \
'--image "UbuntuLTS" ' \
'--use-unmanaged-disk ' \
'--vnet-name foo2VNET ' \
'--subnet test1' \
'--public-ip-address "" ' \
'--storage-sku Standard_LRS ' \
'--admin-username {user_name} ' \
'--admin-password "{password}" ' \
'--size "{vm_size}" ' \
'--custom-data "" --no-wait'