Question is updated
How would I query 2 collections? I have a wishlist collection where each wishlist document looks like this:
documentID: "some-wishlist-id",
modified: "1564061309920",
productId: "2tqXaLUDy1IjxLafIu9O",
userId: "0uM7Dt286JYK6q8iLFyF4tG9cK53"
And a product collection where each product document looks like this. The productId in the wishlist collection would be a documentID in the product collection:
documentID: "2tqXaLUDy1IjxLafIu9O",
dateCreated: "1563820643577",
description: "This is a description for Product 9",
images: ["some_image.jpg"],
isNegotiable: true,
isSold: false,
rentPrice: 200,
sellPrice: 410,
title: "Product 9",
totalWishLists: 0,
userId: "0uM7Dt286JYK6q8iLFyF4tG9cK53"
NOTE: To be clear, the wishlist query should return a list of documents that I need to iterate over to retrieve the product.
Not sure if I need to use streams or futures in this case, but this is what I have so far:
Future<Product> getProduct(String documentId) {
return Firestore.instance
.then((DocumentSnapshot ds) => Product.fromMap(;
Query getWishListByUser(userId) {
return Firestore.instance
.where('userId', isEqualTo: userId);
Future<List<Product>> getProductsWishList(userId) async {
List<Product> _products = [];
await getWishListByUser(userId)
.forEach((QuerySnapshot snapshot) {
snapshot.documents.forEach((DocumentSnapshot snapshot) async {
Map<String, dynamic> map = Map.from(;
'documentID': snapshot.documentID,
WishList wishList = WishList.fromMap(map);
await getProduct(wishList.productId).then((Product product) {
print(product.title); // This is printing
// This is not printing
return _products;