I have the following Entity–attribute–value (EAV) table in Oracle:
| ID | Key | Value | |----|-------------|--------------| | 1 | phone_num_1 | 111-111-1111 | | 1 | phone_num_2 | 222-222-2222 | | 1 | contact_1 | friend | | 1 | contact_2 | family | | 1 | first_name | mike | | 1 | last_name | smith | | 2 | phone_num_1 | 333-333-3333 | | 2 | phone_num_2 | 444-444-4444 | | 2 | contact_1 | family | | 2 | contact_2 | friend | | 2 | first_name | john | | 2 | last_name | adams | | 3 | phone_num_1 | 555-555-5555 | | 3 | phone_num_2 | 666-666-6666 | | 3 | phone_num_3 | 777-777-7777 | | 3 | contact_1 | work | | 3 | contact_2 | family | | 3 | contact_3 | friend | | 3 | first_name | mona | | 3 | last_name | lisa |
Notice that some keys are indexed and therefore have an association with other indexed keys. For example, phone_num_1 is to be associated with contact_1.
Note: There is no hard limit to the number of indexes. There can be 10, 20, or even 50 phone_num_*, but it's guaranteed that for each phone_num_N, there is a corresponding contact_N
This is my desired result:
| ID | Phone_Num | Contact | First_Name | Last_Name | |----|--------------|---------|------------|-----------| | 1 | 111-111-1111 | friend | mike | smith | | 1 | 222-222-2222 | family | mike | smith | | 2 | 333-333-3333 | family | john | adams | | 2 | 444-444-4444 | friend | john | adams | | 3 | 555-555-5555 | work | mona | lisa | | 3 | 666-666-6666 | family | mona | lisa | | 3 | 777-777-7777 | friend | mona | lisa |
What have I tried/looked at:
I have looked into the pivot function of Oracle; however, I don't believe that can solve my problem since I don't have a fixed number of attributes that I want to pivot on. I've looked at these posts: SQL Query to return multiple key value pairs from a single table in one row
Pivot rows to columns without aggregate
Is what I'm tying to accomplish at all possible purely with SQL? If so, how can it be done? If not, please explain why.
Any help is much appreciated and here's the with table to help you get started:
table_1 ( id, key, value ) as (
select 1,'phone_num_1','111-111-1111' from dual union all
select 1,'phone_num_2','222-222-2222' from dual union all
select 1,'contact_1','friend' from dual union all
select 1,'contact_2','family' from dual union all
select 1,'first_name','mike' from dual union all
select 1,'last_name','smith' from dual union all
select 2,'phone_num_1','333-333-3333' from dual union all
select 2,'phone_num_2','444-444-4444' from dual union all
select 2,'contact_1','family' from dual union all
select 2,'contact_2','friend' from dual union all
select 2,'first_name','john' from dual union all
select 2,'last_name','adams' from dual union all
select 3,'phone_num_1','555-555-5555' from dual union all
select 3,'phone_num_2','666-666-6666' from dual union all
select 3,'phone_num_3','777-777-7777' from dual union all
select 3,'contact_1','work' from dual union all
select 3,'contact_2','family' from dual union all
select 3,'contact_3','friend' from dual union all
select 3,'first_name','mona' from dual union all
select 3,'last_name','lisa' from dual
select * from table_1;