I have setup a new Cosmos DB Database with provisioned throughput.This is to share RU/s for all collections and minimizing cost.
My API accessing Cosmos is a Node.JS with Express and Mongoose.
The database is now setup with 1 collection named groups with partition key/shard key partition
I have used Mongoose with Cosmos DB in the past without issues, but when I try in this mode I receive this error message:
"_t": "OKMongoResponse",
"ok": 0,
"code": 2,
"errmsg": "Shared throughput collection should have a partition key\r\nActivityId: 9217017f-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/",
"$err": "Shared throughput collection should have a partition key\r\nActivityId: 9217017f-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/",
"name": "MongoError"
I have searched a lot for answers, but I do not see anyone else experiencing the same issue running the same environment.
- Node version: v10.16.0
- Mongoose version: 5.6.6
- Express version: 4.17.1
I have tried setting up the mongoose model like this:
var schema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
}, { shardKey: { partition: "1" }})
And like this:
var schema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
partition: { type: String, default: "1"},
I have also tried to sending the partition key as a value
"name": "Test",
"partition": "1"
If i run the above JSON as a new document in Azure Portal Data Explorer I am able to add the document.
Does anyone know if Mongoose supports Cosmos DB in provisioned throughput-mode? And if it is supported, could I please get an example on how to setup mongoose/the model to get it working.