I have a very large sheet that has multiple tabs for multiple teams, each of these tabs has personalized filter's for each individual & all of these are currently updated regularly and manually as new line items are added to the sheet. How can I write up a Google Script that recognizes the last row with data (ANY) in it, and the last column--then extends the range from A1 to the new end cell and updates each of the filter ranges on this worksheet to this?
Most of the sample code that I have used for this just creates a new filter view for the new range and deletes the previous - but I have between 5 and 20 personal filters on each worksheet that I would like to get updated on a regular basis. Edit I've provided sample code that I wrote for this, this is not copied but rather using what the UpdateFilterView Request documentation had available. I do not know if I have the filter field set up correctly referencing "filterSettings", and did not know what to use in the "fields" section. Additionally, I cannot tell if the batchUpdate was set up correctly.
EDIT #2 7.24.2019 - Current code is setup as seen below, getting an invalid JSON payload error currently that says
API call to sheets.spreadsheets.batchUpdate failed with error: Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "fields" at 'requests[0]': Cannot find field.
Invalid value at 'requests[0].update_filter_view.filter.filter_view_id' (TYPE_INT32), "*" Invalid JSON payload received.
Unknown name "sheet_id" at 'requests[0].update_filter_view.filter.range': Cannot find field. (line 27, file "macros")
function UpdateFilterView() {
var sheets=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
for each (var dataSheet in sheets){
var lastRow = dataSheet.getLastRow();
var lastColumn = dataSheet.getLastColumn();
var sheetId = dataSheet.getSheetId();
var filterSettings = {
"filterViewId": "*",
"sheetID": sheetId,
"startRowIndex": 0,
"endRowIndex": lastRow,
"startColumnIndex": 0,
"endColumnIndex": lastColumn
var requests = [{
"fields": "*",
"filter": filterSettings
I expect that each personalized filter will update OnEdit() for each of the personalized filters on each worksheet.