I'm actually working on a small react native app, I need to calculate the distance between Longitude and Latitude. I have the Longitude and Latitude of my current location and I have the Longitude and Latitude of the destination.
I tried using geolib, but it keep getting an error on console: error in get distance "[TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'P.default.getDistance')]"
That's the component that causes the error above:
_getLocationAsync = async () => {
let location = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({});
const region = {
latitude: location.coords.latitude,
longitude: location.coords.longitude
this.setState({ location, region});
/* it displays me on console my current position like this :
"Object {
"latitude": 36.8386878,
"longitude": 10.2405357,
}" */
_getDistanceAsync = async () => {
try {
const distance = geolib.getDistance({ latitude: 51.5103, longitude:
7.49347 }, this.state.region)
this.setState({ distance });
} catch (error) {
console.log("error in get distance", error)
I am getting error as soon as i put _getDistanceAsync function. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.