
Is there a possibility to make a pivot for different columns at once in Pyspark? I have a dataframe like this:

sdf = spark.createDataFrame(
        [2,'str3','str5']], columns = ['id','col1','col2'])
| id | col1 | col2 |
|  1 | str1 | str4 |
|  1 | str1 | str4 |
|  1 | str2 | str4 |
|  1 | str2 | str5 |
|  1 | str3 | str5 |
|  2 | str2 | str4 |
|  2 | str2 | str4 |
|  2 | str3 | str4 |
|  2 | str3 | str5 |

that I want to pivot on multiple columns (col1, col2, ...) to have a dataframe that looks like this:

| id | col1_str1 | col1_str2 | col1_str3 | col2_str4 | col2_str5 |
|  1 |         2 |         2 |         1 |         3 |         3 |
|  2 |         0 |         2 |         2 |         3 |         1 |

I've found a solution that works (see below), but I'm looking for a more compact solution than this one:

sdf_pivot_col1 = (
sdf_pivot_col2 = (

sdf_result = (
    .join(sdf_pivot_col1, on = 'id' , how = 'left')
    .join(sdf_pivot_col2, on = 'id' , how = 'left')

| id|str1|str2|str3|str4|str5|
|  1|   2|   2|   1|   3|   2|
|  2|null|   2|   2|   3|   1|

Is there a more compact way to make these pivots? Many thanks!

Have you maybe checked this one? stackoverflow.com/questions/45035940/… . As suggested in one of the answers, consider caching the input data frame.mrjoseph

2 Answers


With the link of @mrjoseph I came up with the following solution: It works, it's more clean, but I still don't like the joins...

def pivot_udf(df, *cols):
    mydf = df.select('id').drop_duplicates()
    for c in cols:
        mydf = mydf.join(
            how = 'left', 
            on = 'id'
    return mydf

pivot_udf(sdf, 'col1','col2').show()

| id|col1_str1|col1_str2|col1_str3|col2_str4|col2_str5|
|  1|        2|        2|        1|        3|        2|
|  2|     null|        2|        2|        3|        1|

Try this:

from functools import reduce
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame

cols = [x for x in sdf.columns if x!='id']
df_array = [sdf.withColumn('col', F.concat(F.lit(x), F.lit('_'), F.col(x))).select('id', 'col') for x in cols]

reduce(DataFrame.unionAll, df_array).groupby('id').pivot('col').agg(F.count('col')).show()


| id|col1_str1|col1_str2|col1_str3|col2_str4|col2_str5|
|  1|        2|        2|        1|        3|        2|
|  2|     null|        2|        2|        3|        1|