I have a trained model stored in pickle. All i need to do is get a single-valued dataframe in pandas and get the prediction by passing it to the model.
To handle the categorical columns, i have used one-hot-encoding. So to convert the pandas dataframe to numpy array, i also used one-hot-encoding on the single valued dataframe. But it shows me error.
import pickle
import category_encoders as ce
import pandas as pd
pkl_filename = "pickle_model.pkl"
with open(pkl_filename, 'rb') as file:
pickle_model = pickle.load(file)
ohe = ce.OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore', use_cat_names=True)
X_t = pd.read_pickle("case1.pkl")
X_t_ohe = ohe.fit_transform(X_t)
X_t_ohe = X_t_ohe.fillna(0)
Ypredict = pickle_model.predict(X_t_ohe)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "Predict.py", line 14, in Ypredict = pickle_model.predict(X_t_ohe) File "/home/neo/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-> packages/sklearn/linear_model/base.py", line 289, in predict scores = self.decision_function(X) File "/home/neo/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/base.py", line 270, in decision_function % (X.shape[1], n_features)) ValueError: X has 93 features per sample; expecting 989