Get the list of variable names and then compare the lists.
Conceptually the simplest way see what is in a dataset is to use proc contents
proc contents data=set1 noprint out=content1 ; run;
proc contents data=set2 noprint out=content2 ; run;
Now you just need to find the names that are in one and not the other.
An easy way is with PROC SQL set operations.
proc sql ;
create table in1_not_in2 as
select name from content1
where upcase(name) not in (select upcase(name) from content2)
create table in2_not_in1 as
select name from content2
where upcase(name) not in (select upcase(name) from content1)
You could also push the lists into macro variables instead of datasets.
proc sql noprint ;
select name from content1
into :in1_not_in2 separated by ' '
where upcase(name) not in (select upcase(name) from content2)
select name from content2
into :in2_not_in1 separated by ' '
where upcase(name) not in (select upcase(name) from content1)
Then you could use the macro variables to generate other code.
data both;
set set1(drop=&in1_not_in2) set2(drop=&in2_not_in1) ;