Solution with vvalue and concat function (||):
It is similar with 'solution without catx' (the last one), but it is simplified by vvalue function instead put.
/*edit with missing values in Product as test-cases*/
proc sql noprint;
create table wocatx as
select * from SASHELP.SHOES;
update wocatx
set Product = '';
/*Macro variable for concat function (||)*/
proc sql;
select ('strip(vvalue('|| strip(name) ||'))') into :varstr4 separated by "|| ',' ||"
from dictionary.columns
where libname = "WORK" and
memname = "WOCATX";
/*Data step to concat all variables*/
data stuff2;
format all $5000.;
set work.wocatx ;
all = &varstr4. ;
put all;
Solution with catx:
proc print data=SASHELP.SHOES;
proc sql;
select ifc(strip(format) is missing,strip(name),ifc(type='num','put('|| strip(name) ||','|| strip(format) ||')','input('|| strip(name) ||','|| strip(format) ||')')) into :varstr2 separated by ','
from dictionary.columns
where libname = "SASHELP" and
memname = "SHOES";
data stuff();
format all $5000.;
set ;
all = catx(',',&varstr2.) ;
put all;
If there isn't in dictionary.columns
format, then in macro variable varstr2 will just name, if there is format, then when it would call in catx it will convert in format, that you need, for example,if variable is num type then put(Sales,DOLLAR12.)
, or if it char type then input
function . You could add any conditions in select into
if you need.
If there is no need of using of input
function just change select:
ifc(strip(format) is missing,strip(name),'put('|| strip(name) ||','|| strip(format) ||')')
Solution without catx:
/*edit with missing values in Product as test-cases*/
proc sql noprint;
create table wocatx as
select * from SASHELP.SHOES;
update wocatx
set Product = '';
/*Macro variable for catx*/
proc sql;
select ifc(strip(format) is missing,strip(name),ifc(type='num','put('|| strip(name) ||','|| strip(format) ||')','input('|| strip(name) ||','|| strip(format) ||')')) into :varstr2 separated by ','
from dictionary.columns
where libname = "WORK" and
memname = "WOCATX";
/*data step with catx*/
data stuff;
format all $5000.;
set work.wocatx ;
all = catx(',',&varstr2.) ;
put all;
/*Macro variable for concat function (||)*/
proc sql;
select ifc(strip(format) is missing,
'strip(' || strip(name) || ')',
'strip(put('|| strip(name) ||','|| strip(format) ||'))') into :varstr3 separated by "|| ',' ||"
from dictionary.columns
where libname = "WORK" and
memname = "WOCATX";
/*Data step without catx*/
data stuff1;
format all $5000.;
set work.wocatx ;
all = &varstr3. ;
put all;
Result with catx and missing values:
Result without catx and with missing values: