My problems is perfectly described in the following paper "Asynchronous Behaviors Meet Their Match with SystemVerilog Assertions":
Consider the scenario in Figure 8 where the strobe signal is generated in the src_clk domain and must be stable for at least 3 cycles in the dst_clk domain. An assertion must check that the strobe signal remains stable but also that it has the adequate setup and hold time to be sampled in the dst_clk domain.
The author then suggest the following assertion to overcome this problem:
assert property (
@(posedge src_clk) $rose(strobe) |-> (
strobe[*1:$] ##1 1 )
) intersect (
##1 @(posedge dst_clk) strobe[*3]
##1 @(posedge src_clk) 1
My problem is that both Cadence incisive 15.20 and Synopsys VCS 2014.10 complains about the use of multiple clocks inside an intersect:
Incisive 15.20: Invalid operator and/or operands in multi-clock context.
Synopsys VCS 2014.10: Single-clocked sequence expected in right operand of 'intersect' operator, multi-clocked sequence found.
It does however work when I compile using Aldec Riviera Pro 2017.02, so I'm guessing this is just a tool limitation.
Are there any other alternative ways of achieving this?