I am trying to use your Nuget package for dotnet core and I get little bit success also I can login to SAML identity providers like Onelogin,Okta and I got loggin user information also But I am confuse while generating access token(Bearer token to call APIs of SAML identity providers). How will I get that token?
I can see securitytoken object in saml2AuthnResponse but don’t know how to that token and in that object security key and singin key is null.
I am totally new to this so may be I misunderstand something.
Please help me.
public async Task<IActionResult> AssertionConsumerService()
var binding = new Saml2PostBinding();
var saml2AuthnResponse = new Saml2AuthnResponse(config);
binding.ReadSamlResponse(Request.ToGenericHttpRequest(), saml2AuthnResponse);
if (saml2AuthnResponse.Status != Saml2StatusCodes.Success)
throw new AuthenticationException($"SAML Response status: {saml2AuthnResponse.Status}");
binding.Unbind(Request.ToGenericHttpRequest(), saml2AuthnResponse);
await saml2AuthnResponse.CreateSession(HttpContext, claimsTransform: (claimsPrincipal) => ClaimsTransform.Transform(claimsPrincipal));
var relayStateQuery = binding.GetRelayStateQuery();
var returnUrl = relayStateQuery.ContainsKey(relayStateReturnUrl) ? relayStateQuery[relayStateReturnUrl] : Url.Content("~/");
return Redirect(returnUrl);