In my VHDL design there is a 16-bits std_logic_vector. The bit in position 15 is currently not used and the synthesizer (SynplifyPro) throws a warning saying that bit is not used and will be pruned:
@W:CL190 : DATAGEN.vhd(93) | Optimizing register bit MYREG(15) to a constant 0. To keep the instance, apply constraint syn_preserve=1 on the instance.
@W:CL260 : DATAGEN.vhd(93) | Pruning register bit 15 of MYREG(15 downto 0). If this is not the intended behavior, drive the input with valid values, or an input from the top level.
As suggested by the synthesizer, I have added the required attribute and I was able to get rid of these warnings. To add these attributes, I had to include the Synplify library:
library synplify;
at the top of the file, and then define the attribute as follows:
If I try to run ModelSim on Post-Synthesis everything is fine. However, when I try to run ModelSim on Pre-synthesis, it gives me the error:
** Error: .../DATAGEN.vhd(20): (vcom-1598) Library "synplify" not found.
I believe that the problem is because Pre-Synthesis simulation is not supposed to use this library. In fact, if I remove this everything works. The reason for which I would like to keep using the Pre-Synthesis simulation is because it is much faster than Post-Synthesis. However, this issue forces me to keep commenting out this lib for Pre-synthesis and putting it back for Post-synthesis?
Is it possible to use something like conditional include?
Note: I prefer to keep the unused bits, therefore adding the attribute for avoid pruning works fine for me.
Library synplify;
simply shouldn't be needed. Just remove it. – Tricky