
Confused regarding "guest" and "user" type in Azure .

Although i am given Global Admin role but my user type is Guest. So do i have right to execute powershell cmdlets . Because when i fire "Connect-AzureRmAccount" it shows only Account and Environment no azure subscription or id.


Account : MyEmail SubscriptionName : SubscriptionId : TenantId : Environment : AzureCloud

I want to execute powershell cmdlets can i do it as guest . My company has csp account.


2 Answers


Yes, you can. Make sure your account has an RBAC role in the subscription, then use the command as below. If not, you need to add your account to the subscription firstly, ask the Owner of the subscription to navigate to the subscription in the portal > Access control (IAM) > Click Add > Add role assignment > add your account as a role(e.g. Owner, Contributor), more details see this link.

Connect-AzAccount -Tenant "<tenant id>" -Subscription "<subscription id>"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Note : In my sample I use the new Az command Connect-AzAccount, the old Connect-AzureRmAccount is also the same.


guest is user from other directory and user is user from same directory. For example your ad domain is xyz.onmicrosoft.com then [email protected] will be user and [email protected] will be guest user