I'm having trouble implementing an UDP connection because when I try it inside a LAN it works but when someone from inside a NAT tries to connect to the public server address, it fails because the packets sent from the server as response, never reach the client.
My protocol is as follows:
- Client A send a byte as connection request to the server.
- Server B creates a new socket for the client and responds a byte from there to the client port reported in the recvfrom() call. Never reaches the client.
I also tried:
Doing many calls sending a byte each for step 1.
Doing many calls sending a byte each for step 2.
Client code:
#include "gpk_stdsocket.h"
#include "gpk_sync.h"
int main() {
sockaddr_in sa_server = {AF_INET};
while(true) {
//#define MAKE_IT_WORK
#if defined MAKE_IT_WORK
::gpk::tcpipAddressToSockaddr({{192,168,0,2}, 9898}, sa_server);
::gpk::tcpipAddressToSockaddr({{201,235,131,233}, 9898}, sa_server);
::gpk::SIPv4 addrRemote = {};
SOCKET handle = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
ree_if(INVALID_SOCKET == handle, "Failed to create socket.");
sockaddr_in sa_client = {AF_INET};
gpk_necall(::bind(handle, (sockaddr *)&sa_client, sizeof(sockaddr_in)), "Failed to bind listener to address");
char commandToSend = '1';
int sa_length = sizeof(sa_server);
gpk_necall(sendto(handle, (const char*)&commandToSend, (int)sizeof(char), 0, (sockaddr *)&sa_server, sa_length), "Failed to send connect request to server.");
sockaddr_in sa_battery = sa_server;
for(uint32_t j=3; j < 3; ++j) {
for(uint32_t i=16*1024; i < 64*1024; ++i) {
sa_battery.sin_port = htons((u_short)i);
gpk_necall(sendto(handle, (const char*)&commandToSend, (int)sizeof(char), 0, (sockaddr *)&sa_battery, sa_length), "Failed to send connect request to server.");
::gpk::tcpipAddressFromSockaddr(sa_server, addrRemote);
info_printf("Send connect request to server: %c to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u", commandToSend, GPK_IPV4_EXPAND(addrRemote));
char connectAcknowledge = 0;
sa_server.sin_port = 0;
gpk_necall(recvfrom(handle, (char *)&connectAcknowledge, (int)sizeof(char), 0, (sockaddr *)&sa_server, &sa_length), "Failed to receive response from server");
addrRemote = {};
::gpk::tcpipAddressFromSockaddr(sa_server, addrRemote);
info_printf("Received connect response from server: %c from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u.", connectAcknowledge, GPK_IPV4_EXPAND(addrRemote));
return 0;
Server code:
#include "gpk_stdsocket.h"
#include "gpk_sync.h"
int main() {
sockaddr_in sa_server = {};
::gpk::SIPv4 addrLocal = {{}, 9898};
::gpk::tcpipAddress(0, 9898, 1, ::gpk::TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_UDP, addrLocal);
::gpk::tcpipAddressToSockaddr(addrLocal, sa_server);
SOCKET handle = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
ree_if(INVALID_SOCKET == handle, "Failed to create socket.");
gpk_necall(::bind(handle, (sockaddr *)&sa_server, sizeof(sockaddr_in)), "Failed to bind listener to address");
info_printf("Server listening on %u.%u.%u.%u:%u.", GPK_IPV4_EXPAND(addrLocal));
while(true) {
::gpk::SIPv4 addrLocalClient = addrLocal;
addrLocalClient.Port = 0;
SOCKET clientHandle = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
sockaddr_in sa_server_client = {AF_INET};
::gpk::tcpipAddressToSockaddr(addrLocalClient, sa_server_client);
gpk_necall(::bind(clientHandle, (sockaddr *)&sa_server_client, sizeof(sockaddr_in)), "Failed to bind listener to address");
sockaddr_in sa_client = {AF_INET};
int client_length = sizeof(sa_client);
char connectReceived = 0;
gpk_necall(::recvfrom(handle, (char*)&connectReceived, (int)sizeof(char), 0, (sockaddr*)&sa_client, &client_length), "Failed to receive connect request.");
::gpk::SIPv4 addrRemote;
::gpk::tcpipAddressFromSockaddr(sa_client, addrRemote);
info_printf("Received connect request: %c from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u.", connectReceived, GPK_IPV4_EXPAND(addrRemote));
char commandToSend = '2';
//::gpk::tcpipAddressFromSockaddr(sa_server, addrLocal);
::gpk::tcpipAddress(clientHandle, addrLocal);
info_printf("Sending connect response %c from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u.", commandToSend, GPK_IPV4_EXPAND(addrLocal), GPK_IPV4_EXPAND(addrRemote));
ree_if(INVALID_SOCKET == clientHandle, "Failed to create socket.");
for(uint32_t i=16*1024; i < 65535; ++i)
gpk_necall(::sendto(clientHandle, (const char*)&commandToSend, (int)sizeof(char), 0, (sockaddr*)&sa_client, sizeof(sockaddr_in)), "Failed to respond.");
info_printf("Sent connect response %c from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u.", commandToSend, GPK_IPV4_EXPAND(addrLocal), GPK_IPV4_EXPAND(addrRemote));
if(handle != clientHandle)
return 0;
Note: I left the sample udp_server and udp_client projects at https://github.com/asm128/gpk in case you want a working example that compiles the working and broken cases conditionally by uncommenting //#define MAKE_IT_WORK
and by placing your IP address in place of mine.