
In Power BI, I have a matrix of known values, and a matrix with the data again but as % of grand total. I would like to multiply the % of grand total by an independent number, to make a new matrix with some forecast values.

For example, if I have 60 units

A      10     20

B      20    10

The % of grand totals:

A     17%     33%

B     33%     17%

Is it possible to then have another table with potential values, which I can pick using a slider, and multiply by the grand totals to get a predicted value? Let's say if I pick '200', the resulting table would look like this:

A     33.3     66.7

B     66.7     33.3

I've tried using parameters, calculated tables and measures but at best end up with a matrix in which every cell is identically filled with the predicted value eg 200.



1 Answers


I think you would need to use a measure to accomplish this. Have you tried something along the lines of:

Predicted Values Measure = 
[Your Current Measure],
CALCULATE ( [Your Current Measure], ALL ( 'Table1'[Value1] ) ) ) * 200

If you had a slider of potential values you might be able to use SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Table1'[Slicer1] ) or something similar instead of specifying the value (e.g., "200") in the measure.