
I am a perl newbie and i need help in parsing xml using perl.

Consider the following as my xml file



I need to extract the element B3 alone along with it's child nodes.

I am using XML:Simple to parse the xml file.

How to parse the element B3 alone into a variable so that I can use foreach to extract the child nodes.....?

Thanks in advance...!!


3 Answers


XML::Simple will create a hash object, you may then loop over the hash. Just keep in mind, nested nodes will also be hash objects.

use XML::Simple;
#use Data::Dumper; # Not necessary 

$xml = new XML::Simple;

$data = $xml->XMLin('test.xml');

$b3 = $data->{B3};

while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$b3) ) {
    print "$key => $value\n";

You can figure these kinds of things easily, by doing:

perl -MData::Dumper -MXML::Simple -e 'print Dumper XMLin("-")' < /tmp/file.xml

Doing so, you see that you can:

use XML::Simple;
my $xml = XMLin("/tmp/file.xml");
my $b3_node = $xml->{B3};

while ( my ($c_key, $c_node) = each %$b3_node ) {
    ... do your stuff here

If you are getting an array as your result, then the first-level nodes probably have the same tag; something like

    B1 data  
    B2 data
    B2 data

for which you could access the data as $data->{B}[0], $data->{B}[1], and $data->{B}[2].

If you need more help with your specific problem you will have to post the actual data, or something very close.