
I want to create a consortium blockchain on the local environment using truffle and ganache or any other tools. The problem is I am new to blockchain though I have created a public DApp by watching some tutorials I don't know how to start working any consortium app. All I could found on some blogs are functional terms and how consortium works, not the implementation. I know the concepts of consortium members and validators. These are a few questions I am struggling to answer:

  1. How to add nodes in the consortium?
  2. Do I have to write the logic for validating a node in smart contracts?
  3. Where can I find more resources to implement this blockchain?

1 Answers


Ethereum is a public blockchain. If you need to use it for a permissioned consortium blockchain, you have to do some modifications which require a lot of Ethereum programming experience and take nontrivial work.

Quorum is an Ethereum-based distributed ledger protocol with transaction/contract privacy and new consensus mechanisms, of which I think you can take advantage for your goal.