
I would like to find find how many times an element occurs.From the sample I want to get the element count. If we see the data. Elements appear twice also the inner element like Name appears twice. Like that I want to find the count of element occurrence.

I tried seeing some group by clause and could not find any group by option in CosmosDB.

{ "data": [ [ { "Elements": [ { "Name": "Ma", "Gender": "Male", "City": "Newyork", "State": "Newyork" }, { "Gender": "Female", "City": "Los Angeles", "State": "California" }, { "Name": "Bruce", "Gender": "Male", "City": "Chicago" } ], "Subdivided": [ { "Low": "20", "Block": "227", "Subcode": "MIRROR", "Legal_Desc_Map_Plat_Type_Indicator": "PLA" } ], "Elements": [ { "Name": "Ma", "Gender": "Male", "City": "Newyork" }, { "Gender": "Female", "City": "Los Angeles", "State": "California" }, { "Name": "Bruce", "Gender": "Male", "State": "Illinois" } ] } ] ], "_ts": 1559463991 }

Result something like. Element = 2, Element.Name = 2 etc like that.

See screen for some info

Hi,does my answer helps you?Jay Gong
Jay, Is it possible to query without data[0]?RSimple
not sure what's your meaning. data[0] is based on your data format,if you remove the Outermost layer [], you don't need data[0].Jay Gong
So,any further explanations?Jay Gong

1 Answers


Firstly,your screenshot is impossible.Elements key can't duplicate in single object.

Your requirement could be implemented by the COUNT aggregate function.

For Elements:

SELECT value(count(data.Elements))
join data in c.data


enter image description here

For Name:

SELECT value(count(elem.Name))
join data in c.data
join elem in data.Elements


enter image description here

For your further need:

Since Aggregates are not allowed in the WHERE clause,

enter image description here

maybe you need to process the results by yourself. Group By is not supported naturally(feedback),however you could get know about a great package documentdb-lumenize based on DocumentDb stored procedure. You could count the elements and group by some other columns,like id.