I am trying to use chart.js with Typescript to build an application in React, however when attempting to render a Line chart I get the error described above on this line:
<Line data={data}/>.
Along with this I also get the message "Type 'ChartComponent' is missing the following properties from type 'ElementClass': render, context, setState, forceUpdate, and 3 more."
Furthermore, when I use yarn start to run the application, the graph will render, but only for a split second before crashing with the error message.
I am fairly new to Typescript so I am confused as to what this error means. Any help would be appreciated.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import Line from "react-chartjs-2"
class LineTest extends React.Component{
render() {
const data = {
labels: [
'10/04/2018', '10/05/2018',
'10/06/2018', '10/07/2018',
'10/08/2018', '10/09/2018',
'10/10/2018', '10/11/2018',
'10/12/2018', '10/13/2018',
'10/14/2018', '10/15/2018'
datasets: [
label: 'Temperature',
data: [22,19,27,23,22,24,17,25,23,24,20,19],
fill: false,
borderColor: 'green'
return (
<div className="App">
<Line data={data}/>
export default LineTest
<Line data={data}/> – jamesheaton;
sign at the import.import Line from "react-chartjs-2";
Try to put and dont avoid semicolon – Alexey Nikonov