I'm using liquibase version 3.4
After I execute a liquibase changeset, I see the following entry into the changelog
INSERT INTO DATABASECHANGELOG (ID, AUTHOR, FILENAME, DATEEXECUTED, ORDEREXECUTED, MD5SUM, DESCRIPTION, COMMENTS, EXECTYPE, CONTEXTS, LABELS, LIQUIBASE) VALUES ('1561715333', 'userx', 'C:/TeamCity.BuildAgent/work/CMSLiquibase/src/main/resources/releases/1/core/ddl/JIRA-1000-ADD_COLUMN.xml', SYSTIMESTAMP, 17, '7:762a7c8960445ef94da88c10a81acd79', 'addColumn', 'Adding column', 'EXECUTED', NULL, NULL, '3.4.0');
For filename, liquibase generates the full path "C:/TeamCity.BuildAgent/work/CMSLiquibase/src/main/resources/releases/1/core/ddl/JIRA-1000-ADD_COLUMN.xml" where as I want the relative path "src/main/resources/releases/1/core/ddl/JIRA-1000-ADD_COLUMN.xml"
The liquibase documentation says Filename should be "Path to the changelog. This may be an absolute path or a relative path depending on how the changelog was passed to Liquibase. For best results, it should be a relative path"
But I cannot find any code examples on where this has been configured.
Any idea where I can configure this?