
i'm currently developping an application for twitter, using javascript and OAuth, for a qml environment. I'm stuck in "request_token" endpoint and i don't understand why. I only get "failed to validate oauth signature or token" when i send my request ! I've checked my signature generation with http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/javascript/example/signature.html and http://quonos.nl/oauthTester/ and it does appear that my signature and my basestring are both right ! I've tried to send data in "authorization" http header field, and in body. Here is my basestring :


The part i've sent in header field "Authorization" is :


If someone can help me with this issue... i've checked every step with OAuth library examples and other tools on the web.


2 Answers


Definitely check out this answer to a similar issue. It may contain your solution: Twitter OAuth, Error when trying to POST direct message


So it appears that Twitter's implementation of oauth does not need oauth_token to sign the basestring (as said in Twitter's API doc). Further more, you shouldn't write it in your basestring.

Authorization header field should be fill this way :

OAuth oauth_nonce="1Rek6K",oauth_callback="oob",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1303375383",oauth_consumer_key="<YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY",oauth_signature="fgb6sPPR2PHQD%2BinG2KvtvgOtXU%3D",oauth_version="1.0"

The mendatory oauth_callback sould be set as "oob" for desktop applications.