

I'm trying to calculate the area of a large number of polygons in R. I've read a few posts about how I might do this (Example #1 & Example #2) but the problem I'm having is that my shapefile is too large (1.7gb) to import. Given I can't import the file, I can't calculate the area of the polygons.

Extended Explanation:

I'm actually trying to calculate the area of properties in Victoria, Australia. The polygons represent these properties. I downloaded the simplified models 1 and 2 of VicMaps from Spatial Datamart for all of Victoria. However, given the size of the shapefiles, I had to narrow my search to just one local government area (LGA) and calculated the polygon areas (just for testing). The shapefile was 15.5MB.

x <- shapefile("D:/Downloads/SDM616230/ll_gda94/shape/lga_polygon/ballarat/VMPROP/PROPERTY_PRIMARY_APPROVED.shp")
x$area_sqkm <- area(x) / 1000000

This worked but its not a practical solution to my problem given there's many LGAs in Victoria and I plan to eventually follow the same process for Queensland and NSW.

However, trying to load a larger shapefile doesn't work and results in the below error code "Error: memory exhausted (limit reached?)".

I've tried using readShapePoly, readogr, st_read and read_sf to get the large shapefile into R but they don't work. I think the file is just too large. I tried using a select query within read_sf in an effort to reduce the size of the file I was reading but that didn't work either. I've read online that I should seek to split the shapefile into just the data I need to reduce the size - but I have no idea how to do that.

Hope you can help.


1 Answers


Obviously the file is too big for a single box. I think the options then are either

1) split the files into smaller ones, process one by one. See


2) use some dbms or data warehouse to do it, they do such batching automatically.