
I'm new to AWS and I'm looking for a way to allow the users of my Android app to change their emails without going through the verification process (I managed to do it for the subscription).

I tried to follow this and this, and here is what I did.

In my Android app:

public void onClickChangeEmail(View view)
    CognitoUserAttributes attributes = new CognitoUserAttributes();
    attributes.getAttributes().put("email", "[email protected]");
            .updateAttributesInBackground(attributes, new UpdateAttributesHandler()
        public void onSuccess(List<CognitoUserCodeDeliveryDetails> attributesVerificationList)
            Log.i("tag", "Email updated!");

        public void onFailure(Exception e)

Then, in my AWS console, I added a trigger in Cognito on Custom message, and here is my lambda function, which is triggered everytime a user updates his email:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
AWS.config.update({region: 'eu-central-1'});

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    if (event.triggerSource === 'CustomMessage_UpdateUserAttribute')
        const params = {
            UserAttributes: [
                  Name: 'email_verified',
                  Value: 'true',
            UserPoolId: event.userPoolId,
            Username: event.userName,
        var cognitoIdServiceProvider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider();
        cognitoIdServiceProvider.adminUpdateUserAttributes(params, function(err, data) {
            if (err) context.done(err, event); // an error occurred
            else context.done(null, event); // successful response
        context.done(null, event);

The result is: the email is properly updated (but it works whithout the lambda), but the lambda crashes, with the following error:

autoValidationUserEmailModification is not authorized to perform: cognito-idp:AdminUpdateUserAttributes

So it looks like an authorization is missing.

My questions are:

  • How can I fix the authorization part?
  • Is that method the right way to disable email verification on updating user email?

Thanks for your help.

autoValidationUserEmailModification is your function name?hoangdv
@hoangdv yes it ismatteoh
I just created a answer.hoangdv

1 Answers


Allow your function perform AdminUpdateUserAttributes on you Cognito Pool resource.

Update Lambda execution rules with block like:

    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:cognito-idp:eu-central-1:<your-user-id>:userpool/<your-user-pool>",
    "Effect": "Allow"

where Resource is your Cognito User Pool ARN.