I am trying to set up 2 google sheet files where File 1 takes in purchases for that day; the date, customer name, payment type, how much they paid, and what they paid for in a table. And File 2 will copy over what is in File 1 and basically acts as long term records for the month. I am using QUERY and IMPORTRANGE to import the data and also have it where File 2 will only copy if the date of the purchase is in that specific month.
My problem is if I erase anything in File 1 it will erase or change whatever is in File 2. So if we had 3 purchase today and I erase them at the end of the day, they will be erased in File 2 as well. I need help finding a way where File 2 will copy over the data but won't erase anything if File 1 erases data.
I've tried googling for my answer but I could not find one.
This is the formula I am using in File 2:
- Logs is a named range that points wherein File 1 I want it to copy from
=QUERY((IMPORTRANGE("File 1 url (Erased for security reasons)", "Logs")),"select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5, Col6,Col7 where Col1 >= date '"&TEXT(DATEVALUE("7/1/2019"),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and Col1 < date '"&TEXT(DATEVALUE("8/1/2019"),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0)