I have work book with multiple sheet and now I want to copy some sheet from workbook and past it into new work book. the issue is sheets are not in order they are in random order. "February", "June", "April", "December" and so on. Now I want only "January", "February" & "March" sheets to be copy in order.
I tried below code and it's coping the data but not in oder i.e Januray sheet to come first then February and then March
Sub MoveSheets()
Worksheets(Array("Janurary", "February", "March")).Copy
Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook
With wbNew
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="F:\WIN7PROFILE\Desktop\Myfolio testing\" & "\IRIS.xls"
End With
End Sub
I want sheet 1 to be January Sheet 2 to be February Sheet 3 to be March