
One of the new features in Vim 7.3 is 'persistent undo', which allows for the undotree to be saved to a file when exiting a buffer.

Unfortunately, I haven't quite been able to get it properly enabled, or I must be using it wrong. Here's what I've tried so far:

I added the following to ~/.vimrc

set undofile                " Save undos after file closes
set undodir=$HOME/.vim/undo " where to save undo histories
set undolevels=1000         " How many undos
set undoreload=10000        " number of lines to save for undo

After this, I supposedly should be able to open any file, edit it, then save-close it, and when I open it again I should be able to undo/redo as if I'd never left. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case, as no undofile is ever written.


  1. I'm on Win 7 using Vim 7.3 from the Vim without cream project. Persistent undo is baked-in.

  2. $HOME/.vim/undo exists on my file system

Just to stress, point 2) is very important. Vim will not create the directory for you and persistent undo will not work until you mkdir ~/.vim/undopuk
+1. Sorry, on Linux it works... thanks for telling me about it!Ciro Santilli 新疆再教育营六四事件法轮功郝海东
For any future visitors to this question: Do NOT put quotes around the value of undodir! I got stuck on this problem for a while - use an absolute paht, without quotes around it.naiveai

5 Answers


Put this in your .vimrc to create an undodir if it doesn't exist and enable persistent undo. Tested on both Windows and Linux.

" Put plugins and dictionaries in this dir (also on Windows)
let vimDir = '$HOME/.vim'

if stridx(&runtimepath, expand(vimDir)) == -1
  " vimDir is not on runtimepath, add it
  let &runtimepath.=','.vimDir

" Keep undo history across sessions by storing it in a file
if has('persistent_undo')
    let myUndoDir = expand(vimDir . '/undodir')
    " Create dirs
    call system('mkdir ' . vimDir)
    call system('mkdir ' . myUndoDir)
    let &undodir = myUndoDir
    set undofile

I tried this in my _gvimrc:

" Persistent undo
    set undodir=C:\vim\undodir
    set undofile

It started working as advertised when I deleted the try-catch bracket, thus:

" Persistent undo
set undodir=C:\vim\undodir
set undofile

I had to create the directory.


I suppose $HOME doesn't work as advertised.

On my system, :echo $HOME shows H:\, but : e $HOME/ says: ~/ invalid filename.

You could try with an absolute path to see whether it cures it


This now works as expected: file.txt open in a Vim 7.4 buffer on Windows 7, :setlocal undofile, then save a change to the buffer, and the undofile .file.txt.un~ is created alongside because :set undodir? reports that "undodir=." by default - ie no need to specify this manually. You can also :set undofile in a modeline.


If you are looking for %TEMP%.(filename).un~ you won't find it

The filename will be something line C%%Users%%(username)%_vimrc

I have no idea why