I'm writing a custom IR transmitter driver for lirc on an embedded board. The board has a i2c-to-gpio extender (FXL6408).
The problem is that only one GPIO pin is needed for my driver (and hence LIRC) and the other pins are needed for use by other applications. Something like this:
I've read LWM, LDD3, and tons of sites about i2c-slave
, i2c adaptors, buses, pinctrl
, gpio
, stacking etc but its not clear how to do what I want:
needs to control a single pin on the GPIO extender while still allowing other applications to control the other 7 pins via /dev/i2c-0
Following this SO suggestion was promising but i2c_new_dummy
failed, returning NULL:
i2cAdaptor = i2c_get_adapter(ECP_I2CBUS); // 1 means i2c-1 bus
if (i2cAdaptor == NULL)
printk("ecp_gpio: Could not acquire i2c adaptor\n");
return -EBUSY;
i2cClient = i2c_new_dummy(i2cAdaptor, ECP_I2CDEV); // 0x43 - slave address on i2c bus
if (i2cClient == NULL)
printk("ecp_gpio: Could not acquire i2c client\n");
return -EBUSY;
if ( (rc = i2c_smbus_write_byte(i2cClient, 0xF0)) < 0)
printk("ecp_gpio: Error writing byte - error %d", rc);
return -EIO;
What is the correct way to hook up the plumbing to achieve what I want?
OS Info:
# uname -a
Linux ecp 4.4.127-1.el6.elrepo.i686 #1 SMP Sun Apr 8 09:44:43 EDT 2018 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
gpiod_get(dev, “pin_name”);
, where name of the pin comes thru device properties (they may be gathered in Device Tree, ACPI, or in GPIO tables or software nodes). – 0andriybgpio
in drivers/gpio/gpio-mmio.c. – 0andriyi2c_smbux_xfer
. It's too slow. HW must be using the 100 kHz i2c bus. So back to to the other approach, "Control USART RTS Pin on Embedded Board". You commented on that question too. Any leads there? I'm stuck... – Danny