I use custom react component with formik which is handled by sending the value where I use it and setting its own state from its parent, so onChange I am always set its react state besides setFieldvalue to set it in formik as I dont use handleChange from formik props.
render={(fields: { field: object; form: formProps }) => {
return (
error={errors.title && touched.title}
onKeyUp={() => null}
onChange={(e: { target: { value: string } }) =>
this.props.onChange('title', e, fields.form)
placeholder="e.g Introduction to UX Design"
onChange = (
stateField: string,
e: { target: { value: string } },
form: { setFieldValue: (field: string, value: string) => void }
) => {
// the field is controlled twice here
form.setFieldValue(stateField, e.target.value);
this.setState({ [stateField]: e.target.value });
it is working correct but it is a hassle for me to handle the two cases in each field and I am not feeling it is the best way to do so, any help ?