
New to terraform so i'm hoping this is an easy issue. I'm creating some resources in azure and deploying a simple flask application to AKS. Creating works fine using terraform plan. I can see that azure is provisioned correctly and I can hit the flask app.

When I try to run terraform destroy I get the error - "StatusCode=400...In order to delete the public IP, disassociate/detach the Public IP address from the resource.


variable "subscription_id" {}
variable "client_id" {}
variable "client_secret" {}
variable "tenant_id" {}

provider "azurerm" {
    version         = "=1.28.0"
    tenant_id       = "${var.tenant_id}"
    subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}"

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "aks" {
    name        = "${var.name_prefix}"
    location    = "${var.location}"

resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "k8s" {
    name                    = "${var.name_prefix}-aks"
    kubernetes_version      = "${var.kubernetes_version}"
    location                = "${azurerm_resource_group.aks.location}"
    resource_group_name     = "${azurerm_resource_group.aks.name}"
    dns_prefix              = "AKS-${var.dns_prefix}"

    agent_pool_profile {
        name                = "${var.node_pool_name}"
        count               = "${var.node_pool_size}"
        vm_size             = "${var.node_pool_vmsize}"
        os_type             = "${var.node_pool_os}"
        os_disk_size_gb     = 30

    service_principal {
        client_id           = "${var.client_id}"
        client_secret       = "${var.client_secret}"

    tags = {
        environment = "${var.env_tag}"

provider "helm" {
  install_tiller = true

  kubernetes {
    host                   = "${azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.host}"
    client_certificate     = "${base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.client_certificate)}"
    client_key             = "${base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.client_key)}"
    cluster_ca_certificate = "${base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.cluster_ca_certificate)}"

# Create Static Public IP Address to be used by Nginx Ingress
resource "azurerm_public_ip" "nginx_ingress" {
  name                         = "nginx-ingress-public-ip"
  location                     = "${azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.location}"
  resource_group_name          = "${azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.node_resource_group}"
  allocation_method            = "Static"
  domain_name_label            = "${var.name_prefix}"

# Add Kubernetes Stable Helm charts repo
data "helm_repository" "stable" {
  name = "stable"
  url  = "https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com"

# Install Nginx Ingress using Helm Chart
resource "helm_release" "nginx_ingress" {
  name       = "nginx-ingress"
  repository = "${data.helm_repository.stable.metadata.0.name}"
  chart      = "nginx-ingress"

  set {
    name  = "rbac.create"
    value = "false"

  set {
    name  = "controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy"
    value = "Local"

  set {
    name  = "controller.service.loadBalancerIP"
    value = "${azurerm_public_ip.nginx_ingress.ip_address}"

Also deploying my kubernetes stuff in this file k8s.tf

provider "kubernetes" {
    host                    = "${azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.host}"
    username                = "${azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.username}"
    password                = "${azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.password}"
    client_certificate      = "${base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.client_certificate)}"
    client_key              = "${base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.client_key)}"
    cluster_ca_certificate  = "${base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config.0.cluster_ca_certificate)}"

resource "kubernetes_deployment" "flask-api-deployment" {
    metadata {
        name = "flask-api-deployment"

    spec {
        replicas = 2

        selector {
            match_labels {
                component = "api"

        template {
            metadata {
                labels = {
                    component = "api"

            spec {
                container {
                    image = "xxx.azurecr.io/sampleflask:0.1.0"
                    name = "flask-api"
                    port {
                        container_port = 5000

resource "kubernetes_service" "api-cluster-ip-service" {
    metadata {
        name = "flask-api-cluster-ip-service"

    spec {
        selector {
            component = "api"

        port {
            port = 5000
            target_port = 5000

resource "kubernetes_ingress" "flask-ingress-service" {
    metadata {
        name = "flask-ingress-service"

    spec {
        backend {
            service_name = "flask-api-cluster-ip-service"
            service_port = 5000
whats the point of provisioning ip address in the first place? it would create it on its own4c74356b41
it doesn't create it on its own.Matthew The Terrible
it does, that's the whole point of services in kubernetes, they abstact the underlying cloud provider infrastructure4c74356b41
nginx ingress has some mandatory and azure specific yaml files that you must apply which then will provision the public ip and some other stuff required for the ingress controller. To do this in terraform I think you have to use helm to install nginx ingress and also provision the public ip yourself.Matthew The Terrible
no, for the service to have external ip all you need to do is set it to "type": LoadBalancer4c74356b41

1 Answers


For your issue, this is a problem about the sequence of the resources. When you create the nginx ingress with the public IP, the public IP should be created first. But when you delete the public IP, it's still in use by the nginx ingress. So It causes the error.

The solution is that you can detach the public IP from the resource which uses it. Then use the destroy the resource from the Terraform. You can take a look at the explanation in the issue.