after some reading on Using multiple authorization types with AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs and The Complete Guide to User Authentication with the Amplify Framework , one thing I could not figure out is if I can have 3rd Party Application Tokens (e.g. like Twitter API) and use AppSync+Cognito to generate credentials for service-to-service mutations/query?
I already have a user flow via Cognito (type AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS). I want to centralize service-to-service calls using my AppSync. Limiting the service/token access would be great too (to only X Mutations, instead of the whole schema). Would that be possible?
I'm a bit lost around what are the current limitations.
- do I need a Custom Authorizer in Cognito?
- should I move everything to IAM credentials?
- a Lambda Resolver with manual credentials check + AppSync call?
- I can't do it and I need to store these tokens in a different place (DynamoDB, etc), with metadata/some id to have some kind of identity and always use Lambda Resolvers etc.
thoughts and insights are more than welcome, thanks!