I am using V-data-table along with vuex store. Below are the points how I configured my v-data-table
- Disabled sort on each column
- bind the v-data-table items with vuex state store data
- using sortablejs to drag and drop the rows
Problem: When I drag and drop the rows in the v-data-table the I am updating the vuex store(updating the index value on the objects in array with the table row index value). Vuex is updating properly but the data rendered in the v-data-table is not in the order as they are in the vuex state store
Could someone help me on this
The best way I tried to overcome this problem is to force re-render the v-data-table component, but when I do this I cannot drag and drop anymore
Force rendered using the following the template
<component-to-re-render :key="componentKey" />
// script
export default {
data() {
return {
componentKey: 0,
methods: {
forceRerender() {
this.componentKey += 1;
Sortable.create(table, { handle: ".handle", onEnd ({ newIndex, oldIndex }) { _self.$store.dispatch('adSets/updateAdSets', {oldIndex: oldIndex, newIndex: newIndex, orderId: _self.orderId, campaignId: _self.campaignId}) // location.reload() // _self.$refs.table.$forceUpdate() // _self.forceRerender() _self.reset() } })
– Manideep Kothapalli