My type-ahead search was working great with REST but I'm converting to GraphQL, which has its challenges.
As the user types a last name into a form field the suggested results display in a data table below. Each letter is handled by the RxJS Subject.
The var searchTerm$ is a type of RXJS observable called a Subject binds to the HTML. The following is called from the OnViewInit lifecycle hook in an Angular app. The search is by the database column last_name.
However, this results in a Bad Request 400 error as the view loads and search doesn't work. I thought maybe this calls for a subscription but everything I find on those is about using web sockets to connect to a remote URL and server. Where do I go from here?
I'm using the Angular Apollo client with Apollo Express but I would be happy with any JS solution and try to figure it out from there. The server side is Nestjs which just wraps Apollo Server.
const lastNameSearch = gql `
query ($input: String!) {
lastNameSearch(input: $input) {
query: lastNameSearch,
variables: {
last_name: searchTerm$, // Trying to use the observable here.
.subscribe(result => {
console.log('data in lastNameSearch: ', result);
The schema on the server:
lastNameSearch(input: String!): [Member]
The resolver:
async lastNameSearch(@Args('input') input: String) {
const response = await this.membersService.lastNameSearch(input);
return await response;
The error from the Network panel in dev tools. Console message worthless.
{"errors":[{"message":"Variable \"$input\" of required type \"String!\" was not provided.","locations":[{"line":1,"column":8}],"extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","exception":{"stacktrace":["GraphQLError: Variable \"$input\" of required type \"String!\" was not provided."," at getVariableValues
And this goes on showing properties and methods in the app for another 300 lines or so.