I have a query that I call "cuartil" which I want to work as an axis. If I put it in a table it would show like this:
then this measure may vary according to the region filter that is made, as for example in this image:
but I want to show it in a graph, in which I would like to use the measure as an axis, but the power bi does not allow me to use it as such
Will there be any way to put a measure as an axis?
To obtain the "cuartil" measure, first calculate the UniqueRank:
UniqueRank =
FORMAT ( tabla_ranking[nro_trabajos]; "0000" ) & tabla_ranking[region] &
then I calculate the measure ranking2:
ranking2 =
ALLSELECTED ( tabla_ranking );
MAX ( tabla_ranking[UniqueRank] )
and finally calculate the measure "cuartil"
cuartil = IF(tabla_ranking[ranking2]<=