
I want to use a custom font in an Android app but using custom fonts seems to be a pain?! I can setup a custom font programmatically by adding it to each TextView -> lots of boilerplate code. I can create a new class CustomTextView extends TextView and add setTypeface in the constructor -> no xml context aware help for attributes anymore.

Is there another way to setup a custom font? By XML, by style, by theme?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Is there a possibility to set an underline by XML?

Yes but I haven't found anything useful. Same as for underline. Seems that one has to solve it programmaticalyGabrielWeis
It is really pain to do application-wide font change. I am trying to create a style which is changing typeface value of TextAppearance style by inheriting, the problem is accessing to the font which is located under /assets/fonts. I couldn't figure out how to access to ttf file in my style xml.erkangur
Underlying by XML is usually achieved by adding <u> tags in string resources containing the text that will be assigned to TextViews. However, I came across some cases where the use of a custom font prevented those tags to work, and the only way to make a text (or a portion of it) underlined was to programmatically use SpannableString and UnderlineSpan. See stackoverflow.com/a/10019093/22904 for an example of how to work with those classes.Giulio Piancastelli

2 Answers


You can include custom fonts under assets/fonts and then using the code from


you can specify the font in your XML, e.g.

    android:text="This is in a custom font"
    app:font="MyFont-Bold.otf" />

The code supports FontableTextView and FontableButton, but it's quite easy to extend to support other widget types if you require.


use this code for change font textview..

TextView newfont;
newfont=(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView1);
Typeface font=Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf");
newfont.setText("This is the new font Text");

download DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf file from web and put in fonts folder in assets folder.