
I've tried using Rcpp to rewrite some R code. However, I have found a drop in performance. I have targeted a particular part of my code that has a problem. In this part, I import the optimise function from the stats package in R.

The R code that I'm trying to rewrite is:

# R implementation

phi_R <- function(x, mean = 0, beta) {
  return(2*(beta^2)*((x-mean)^6) - 3*beta*((x-mean)^2))

bound_phi_R <- function(beta, mean = 0, lower, upper) {
  # finding maxima and minimma in the interval
  maxim <- optimise(function(x) phi_R(x, mean, beta), interval = c(lower, upper), 
                    maximum = TRUE)$objective
  minim <- optimise(function(x) phi_R(x, mean, beta), interval = c(lower, upper), 
                    maximum = FALSE)$objective

  # checking end points
  at_lower <- phi_R(lower, mean, beta)
  at_upper <- phi_R(upper, mean, beta)

  # obtaining upper and lower bounds
  upper_bound <- max(maxim, at_lower, at_upper)
  lower_bound <- min(minim, at_lower, at_upper)

  return(list('low_bound' = lower_bound, 'up_bound' = upper_bound))

This function tries to find the upper and lower bounds of a particular one-dimensional function, called phi. My Rcpp implementation of this is:

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::plugins("cpp17")]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(stats)]]

double phi_rcpp(const double &x,
                             const double &mean,
                             const double &beta) {
  return ((2*beta*beta*pow(x-mean, 6))-(3*beta*(x-mean)*(x-mean)));

// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List bound_phi_rcpp(const double &mean,
                                const double &beta,
                                const double &lower,
                                const double &upper) {
  // Obtaining namespace of stats package in R
  Rcpp::Environment stats("package:stats");
  // Picking up optimise function
  Function optimise = stats["optimise"];

  // using optimise to find the maximum and minimum of phi within the interval
  Rcpp::List maxim = optimise(_["f"] = Rcpp::InternalFunction(&phi_rcpp),
                              _["lower"] = lower,
                              _["upper"] = upper,
                              _["maximum"] = true,
                              _["mean"] = mean,
                              _["beta"] = beta);
  Rcpp::List minim = optimise(_["f"] = Rcpp::InternalFunction(&phi_rcpp),
                              _["lower"] = lower,
                              _["upper"] = upper,
                              _["maximum"] = false,
                              _["mean"] = mean,
                              _["beta"] = beta);

  // check the end points are not greater or less than the minimum and maximums from optimise
  double at_upper = phi_rcpp(upper, mean, beta);
  double at_lower = phi_rcpp(lower, mean, beta);

  double upper_bound = std::max(as<double>(maxim[1]), std::max(at_lower, at_upper));
  double lower_bound = std::min(as<double>(minim[1]), std::min(at_lower, at_upper));

  // return bounds as vector
  return Rcpp::List::create(Named("low_bound") = lower_bound,
                            Named("up_bound") = upper_bound);

Next, I do some benchmarks:

sourceCpp(file = 'rcpp.cpp')

pcm <- proc.time()
for (i in 1:10000) {
  limits <- runif(2, -2, 2)
  bound_phi_rcpp(beta = 1/4, mean = 0, lower = min(limits), upper = max(limits))
test1_time <- proc.time()-pcm

pcm <- proc.time()
for (i in 1:10000) {
  limits <- runif(2, -2, 2)
  bound_phi_R(beta = 1/4, mean = 0, lower = min(limits), upper = max(limits))
test2time <- proc.time()-pcm

print(paste('rcpp:', test1_time['elapsed'])) # 5.69 on my machine
print(paste('R:', test2_time['elapsed'])) # 0.0749 on my machine

# benchmarking with rbenchmark
limits <- runif(2, -2, 2)
identical(bound_phi_rcpp(beta = 1/4, mean = 0, lower = min(limits), upper = max(limits)),
          bound_phi_R(beta = 1/4, mean = 0, lower = min(limits), upper = max(limits)))
rbenchmark::benchmark(cpp = bound_phi_rcpp(beta = 1/4, mean = 0, lower = min(limits), upper = max(limits)),
                      R = bound_phi_R(beta = 1/4, mean = 0, lower = min(limits), upper = max(limits)), 
                      replications = 1000)

I get the following benchmark:

  test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1  cpp         1000   0.532   10.231     0.532    0.001          0         0
2    R         1000   0.052    1.000     0.052    0.000          0         0

It seems that there is quite a bit of overhead in importing a function from stats. Is there any way to speed this process or is there an equivalent optimise function in Rcpp?

Please check how much time is the optimise() call taking inside c++.tushaR
You are going back and forth between R and C++. This cannot be efficient. Try an optimization algorithm implemented in c++, e.g. boost.org/doc/libs/1_70_0/libs/math/doc/html/math_toolkit/… should be part of the BH package.Ralf Stubner

1 Answers


It is not surprising that your C++ code is slow, since you are going back and force between R and C++ a lot of times. And each such transition has its cost. However, one can use an optimization algorithm that is implemented in C++ only, e.g. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_70_0/libs/math/doc/html/math_toolkit/brent_minima.html seems to be the same algorithm as used by R and is included in the BH package. Turns out it is also quite easy to use:

#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(BH)]]
#include <boost/math/tools/minima.hpp>

class phi_rcpp {
    double mean;
    double beta;
    phi_rcpp(double _mean, double _beta) : mean(_mean), beta(_beta) {}
    double operator()(const double &x) {
        double y = x - mean;
        return (2*beta*beta*pow(y, 6))-(3*beta*y*y);

template<class T>
class negate : public T {
    using T::T;
    double operator() (const double &x) {
        return - T::operator()(x);

// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List bound_phi_rcpp(const double &mean,
                          const double &beta,
                          const double &lower,
                          const double &upper) {
    using boost::math::tools::brent_find_minima;
    const int double_bits = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits;
    phi_rcpp func(mean, beta);
    negate<phi_rcpp> nfunc(mean, beta);
    std::pair<double, double> min = brent_find_minima(func, lower, upper, double_bits);
    std::pair<double, double> max = brent_find_minima(nfunc, lower, upper, double_bits);

    double at_upper = func(upper);
    double at_lower = func(lower);

    return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("low_bound") = std::min(min.second, std::min(at_upper, at_lower)),
                              Rcpp::Named("up_bound") =  std::max(max.second, std::max(at_upper, at_lower)));

/*** R
phi_R <- function(x, mean = 0, beta) {
    return(2*(beta^2)*((x-mean)^6) - 3*beta*((x-mean)^2))

bound_phi_R <- function(beta, mean = 0, lower, upper) {
    # finding maxima and minimma in the interval
    maxim <- optimise(function(x) phi_R(x, mean, beta), interval = c(lower, upper), 
                      maximum = TRUE)$objective
    minim <- optimise(function(x) phi_R(x, mean, beta), interval = c(lower, upper), 
                      maximum = FALSE)$objective

    # checking end points
    at_lower <- phi_R(lower, mean, beta)
    at_upper <- phi_R(upper, mean, beta)

    # obtaining upper and lower bounds
    upper_bound <- max(maxim, at_lower, at_upper)
    lower_bound <- min(minim, at_lower, at_upper)

    return(list('low_bound' = lower_bound, 'up_bound' = upper_bound))

limits <- runif(2, -2, 2)
bench::mark(cpp = bound_phi_rcpp(beta = 1/4, mean = 0, lower = min(limits), upper = max(limits)),
            R = bound_phi_R(beta = 1/4, mean = 0, lower = min(limits), upper = max(limits)))


The only tricky thing here is the template for negating the functor. Bench mark results:

# A tibble: 2 x 13
  expression     min  median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time result memory time 
  <bch:expr> <bch:t> <bch:t>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>   <bch:tm> <list> <list> <lis>
1 cpp         6.26µs  7.94µs   117496.    2.49KB     11.8  9999     1     85.1ms <list… <Rpro… <bch…
2 R          61.51µs 72.31µs    11279.  124.98KB     11.1  5102     5    452.4ms <list… <Rpro… <bch…
# … with 1 more variable: gc <list>

Note that bench::mark checks for identical results by default.