
I am creating the Spring Boot application with a PostgreSQL database. and I am using JDBCTemplate to perform DB operations. as per my requirement, I want a count of the row from CONTRACT_VIEW_2 table where the value of LICENSE_PLATE = "xxxxxx" and ZONE_CODE is IN ("x","y","z") but I am getting PSQL Exception.

I tried using MapSQLParameterSource but still, I facing the issue.

public Integer getAllZoneForLp(String lp,List<String> zones) {
  MapSqlParameterSource zoneIds = new MapSqlParameterSource();
  String sql = "select " +
        "count(*) " +
        "from contract_view_2 " +
        "where license_plate = ? and zone_code IN (?)";
  return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class,lp,zoneIds);

I expect the row count in the result but I am getting PSQL Exception. I am attaching the image of the exception which I am getting.

enter image description here

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers


The problem with yours is you have added Namedparameter to JdbcTemplate.

So in case you are using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

public Integer getAllZoneForLp(String lp,List<String> zones) {
  MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
  parameters.addValue("lp", lp);
  String sql = "select " +
        "count(*) " +
        "from contract_view_2 " +
        "where license_plate = :lp and zone_code IN (:zoneIds)";
  NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(jdbcTemplate);

  return namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, parameters, Integer.class);

In case you want to use jdbcTemplate

public Integer getAllZoneForLp(String lp,List<String> zones) {
  String sql = "select " +
        "count(*) " +
        "from contract_view_2 " +
        "where license_plate = ? and zone_code IN (?)";

  return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class, new Object[] { lp, zones}); 

Go with NameParameterJdbcTemplate so that you won't miss any params.


Please change your query to

  String sql = "select " +
        "count(*) " +
        "from contract_view_2 " +
        "where license_plate = ? and zone_code IN (:zoneIds)";

Changes: changed ? to :zoneIds

Line zoneIds.addValue("zoneIds",zones); is using named parameter to bind it.