I am defining certain variables in one java class and i am accessing it with a different class so as to filter the stream for unique elements. Please refer code to understand the issue better.
The problem i am facing is this Filter function doesn't work well and fails to filter unique events. I doubt the variable is shared among different threads and it is the cause!? Please suggest another method if this is not the correct way to do it. Thanks in advance.
public static HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> uniqueMap = new HashMap<>();
public boolean filter(String val) throws Exception {
if(ClassWithVariables.uniqueMap.containsKey(key)) {
Arraylist<String> al = uniqueMap.get(key);
if(al.contains(val) {
return false;
} else {
//Update the hashmap list(uniqueMap)
return true;
} else {
//Add to hashmap list(uniqueMap)
return true;